SANTA FE SKI TEAM presents the 2025 Lloyd Bolander Pine Cup Fun Race
Event: Annual Lloyd Bolander Pine Cup Fun Race—Giant Slalom
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Location: Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort
Coaches Meeting: Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 8:45am
Race Time: Inspection begins at 10:00 am, Race begins at 10:30am
Race Sequence: Two runs back-to-back, best of both times. First run by age division (youngest to oldest), second run first come first serve.
Eligibility: U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U19, Masters Classes may be combined based on competitors
Entry Fee: $35.00
Lift Tickets: Advance purchase online highly suggested. Day of prices are typically higher. Tickets for 12 and under are free but must pick up a day pass at the sales booth (please bring proof of age). Visit https://www.sipapu.ski/ for tickets and details for free Power Pass 12U Ski Season Pass
Entry Procedure:
- Online Registration: Race Registration Form
- Race Day Registration: 8:30am — 9:00am at lodge.
Liability Release: **All racers must have the liability waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian in order to participate. Athletes over the age of 18 may sign waiver. Waiver is available online at registration.
Race Headquarters: Sipapu lower lodge
Awards: 1 hour after finish on the lower lodge patio. Unique awards made by team. Best awards in the southwest!
Questions: Email Gary Moreno or Harvey Monroe
Bring a friend!!!